at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

could you, would you in the nook?

Ivy loves books- which is no surprise really considering we've been desperately trying to encourage a look of them. There's book in every room of our house (including the up-stairs hall, but that's more because I still havn't sorted out the boxes of stuff i've piled there) and she has her own special reading nook in the living room with spice rack shelfs she can take books off by herself. This is Euan reading Green eggs and Ham to her in the nook. He's been reading this book to her since she was -5 months old after we read something about babies liking rhymes in the womb. It's only recently in the outside world she's had a long enough attention span to sit through an entire reading (she begins the reading on a knee, and by the end has climbed off and in climbing about but still paying attention). She really likes the ending.

Today's milestone, Ivy wasn't scared of the hoover! I hoovered the stairs and hall whilst she played in the living room and she didn't make a peep.

Went to Inverness today- the weather was lovely in Ullapool and half of our drive, but past Contin it was grey and cold and miserable. West coast; best coast (at least in the case of today's weather). Ivy had a follow up appointment with a Ped. after her time in hospital. She charmed the Ped. no end- he was trying to check her heartbeat and she was trying to steal his stethascope. He suggested she wanted to be a Doctor. When she was offered his hand to see her grip, she stood up and looked very pleased with herself. He said she was 'very advanced for her age' :D She did such a terrible job of pretending to be a sick baby he was in no way worried about her and her weight- he said she's probably just genetically a 2nd centile baby- and that she was probably born at the 50th because of my diet/genetics and has been slowly tracking to wear she's meant to be. I liked that. We do have a future appointment with a dietician though about improving her solid food appetite- altough she totally hoovered down aubergine and greek yoghurt at dinner time and fed herself some sweetcorn hoops (trying her out on boring shop bought baby-finger food till she gets better at holding food and putting it in her mouth- bannana slices etc. were too slippy)

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