Room With a View

Stunned, puzzled and definitely bewildered this chicken was looking out of her new window. Her head was turning left and then right. 'What's my food bin doing on the floor, upside down over there? What's going on?'

Up early and anxious to get on, I had the coop apart and the pressure washer going full belt, cleaning it out before most people were on their first coffee. It does take time to dry and the chickens were getting anxious to lay their eggs and really not used to a room with a view; they like their bedroom dark and private. These Cream Legbars lay blue eggs with a really golden yolk - once tried never forgotten. If you are a connoisseur of eggs, these are fresh from the coop and a big bonus is that you know what the chickens have been fed on.

I could never go back to supermarket eggs .... but you might just get these at Waitrose!
The down side of cleaning out the chickens is that you itch - it doesn't matter how many layers you put WILL get an itch, even if it's just psychological. The washer blows the straw and dirt everywhere - you just cannot escape it. Everything in the washing machine then!!

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