Less is More?

I think this is a lesser whitethroat! A migrant from NE Africa! Fabulous to catch a glimpse of and have never seen one before!!!! Quite ecstatic here!!Hauling my, what Debbi calls her 'Big Daddy' down the canal bank this afternoon I was out to do a bit of twitching having seen the guys with their lenses the other day. Frustrating really. The hedgerows are full of song but can you see the birds?!!

Visit to the hairdressers today and to be honest after I circled the block afterwards and walked back in there asking for a re-cut I wasn't probably the most popular person in the world. Then again if you are spending a not to be sniffed at sum then you should be happy...ish! Think I will take to wearing a hat ;) Don't even go there with the colour...Hubs on opening the front door said, 'Gosh that's .....er........,' significant pause here....'bright!' Hmmmm....Probably need to wash it in teabags. Hey ho!

Also hideous trip to the vets this morning where they had an emergency with the most gorgeous spaniel; now deceased spaniel. Not sure I could be a vet.

All set for French champagne trip (avec chapeau ;)..) Just hope the weather forecast isn't as bad as it sounds. Packing a mac.

Less of everything today could have been better :))

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