
By MJCallaghan

My first photo. Yay!

Inspired by the postings of certain hobbit like creatures I have decided to see if I too can use this new fuddlywuddly technology to document part of my day.

I quickly came to the conclusion that since I don't really do anything interesting, and I live in England, coming up with anything to rival sunsets on the beach or picnics on the cliff tops would be problematic at best. I could probably manage a Snickers on the patio, but it lacks the sheer jealousy-inducing grandeur of those mentioned.

I do have my imagination though, so if a certain entry lacks the required amount of spice I reserve the right to spruce it up a bit.

Today's pic was taken on the way home from Luton. The M1 was closed northbound just as I was heading towards it, and I can thank my lucky stars that it was, because forcing me to take a slower, more annoying, route also meant that I was able to gaze upon the towering loveliness of the wind turbines FROM AN ENTIRELY SIDE! I know. I still can't believe it myself.

Anyway, I was moved the pull the van over, run across two lanes of angry traffic and take this pic of the turbines before aliens crashed into them and the sight was lost forever. I was hoping to have captured the wildebeest sweeping majestically across the foreground, but I think the shrubbery got in the way.

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