
By MJCallaghan

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, blah blah blah

Having been shocked to find that not only had I made a typo in my first Blippy entry, but I had also omitted an entire word, I have vowed to take this more seriously and actually read back what I've written before publishing it.

The pic today is a selfie. I'm sure if I looked like Brad Pitt I'd have a camera attached to my face in anticipation of every delightfully charismatic facial expression, but in the real world the only thing I'd consider having attached to my face is a Picnic bar dispenser.

There is an innate problem with taking a selfie. All phone cameras have wide angle lenses, which enlarges objects closer to the lens. This means that, in a typical selfie, the subject's nose will appear approximately 8% - 13% larger than normal (depending obviously on both the closeness to the lens and the nasal girth). For people with self-consciously small noses this actually might be a plus, but I think we can all agree that it's probably a good thing that Karl Malden died before this whole craze started.

I like my selfies to make a statement, which is usually "Jesus, I wish I looked like Brad Pitt", or alternatively "Jesus, I wish I had a Picnic bar dispenser attached to my face". You can judge for yourselves which statement I'm making in the above pic.

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