London from The Shard

This morning I went to the Carshalton office where I'm supposed to be until the end of next week for my 'on the job' training. It's a lovely office in a really nice little town with lots of blip opportunities! The people there are really friendly and very helpful, however, they don't understand why I've been sent to them for training and not gone straight to the Brighton office, neither do I, but head office seemed to think I'd be better going there.

Anyway, I've actually been doing work for Mick the solicitor that I'll be working with, and not actually training, and when he phoned me to see how I was getting on, he said that he couldn't understand why I was there either. The upshot of it is that he's going to speak to head office tomorrow and suggest that I start in Brighton on Monday, so we'll see what they say tomorrow. Somehow I don't think that'll happen as they've paid for my hotel for all of next week and wouldn't be able to get a refund.

Tonight after work I got the train into London and my friend Alison who also lives in Brighton, got the train into London to meet me and we went to the Shard for drinks. We sat on the 31st floor and had a table by the window, so it was great watching the sun go down and seeing how the landscape changes. If you look at it large, you can see the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London.

We then went and had something to eat before getting our respective trains back. It was a short but sweet visit, but a lovely night, and if I'm still here next week Alison said she'll come and meet me again and possibly stay over with me so we can have a proper night out.

Anyway, it's nearly midnight and I need to pack my case as I'll be checking out in the morning and heading home straight after work, so I'll say goodnight x

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