Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Leaving Ecuador

My flight was early, rising before dawn to meet a taxi to the Quito airport. I'm supposed to meet Coral here. We have the same flight and were at the same hotel, but she went to visit an old friend she used to work with last night who lives closer to the airport so she just stayed the night. I keep glancing up looking for her as the time clicks down to take off. Eventually I got a message at the front desk she wouldn't be making the flight. She was robbed coming to the airport at knife point. Everything taken including her passport. She is fine and knowing her as a strong person I don't worry too much, but I feel sad about it all the same. What a wretched way to leave the country, especially after everything we've been through. In terms of danger or risk it seems a bit ironic. But such is Quito from every source I hear Ecuadorian and gringo alike. Tread with care, con cuidado.

Later, many thousands of miles away over continents and whole hemispheres I arrived back in North America. I am in Vancouver British Colombia. In Canada, the first leg of the return journey. It is nearly 2:00am in the morning by the time I gather my bags to leave the airport but lo and behold Hugh is there waiting for me. He is a good friend. It's nice to be back.

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