Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

The story of Raven and the first people

"The great flood, which had covered the earth for so long, had at last receded and the sand of Rose Spit, Haida Gwaii, lay dry. Raven walked along the sand, eyes and ears alert for any unusual sight or sound to break the monotony. A flash of white caught his eye and there, right at his feet, half buried in the sand, was a gigantic clamshell. He looked more closely and saw that the shell was full of little creatures cowering in terror in his enormous shadow. He leaned his great head close and, with his smooth trickster's tongue coaxed and cajoled and coerced them to come out and play in this wonderful new shiny world. These little dwellers were the original Haidas, the first humans." ~Bill Reid (Haida artist)

The location; University of British Colombia Anthropology Museum. Cold rain pouring from brooding clouds. Bacon, eggs, coffee, and whiskey. Canadian winter along the coast. Storytelling day with Hugh and Jane.

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