Camel Country

By Bevie

Hubbly Bubbly

I am tired
And my body is beaten
I drink too much
And enjoy shisha
A day tripped is a day had
Nothing is lost
I close my eyes
Awaiting impending doom
Yet, behind closed eye-lids
I am what I assume
I can be what I want to be under the seam
and travel for free, exploring, to be care free
My mind is a powerful force as I see what is to be seen
Friends long lost in a sea of tranquility
Nothing is lost, forever, I believe.
I am a connoisseur of imagination and a wanderer of hallucination.
Stuck in a tea daze, replays
As my ancient lucidity remains
Nothing is lost, yet all remains
When you simply lay down and stare
Into the consciousness of your brain.
-Kyle Bailey

Quote of the day -
Positive anything is better than negative nothing.
- Elbert Hubbard

Fact of the day -
In the United States, deaf people have safer driving records than hearing people!

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