Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

A short history of nearly everything

When I began writing this blip I never expected it to last two years. I always hoped it would act as an archive for our son but I must admit, I'm hooked.

It's hard to believe to believe what's happened in the last two years. The first year (and post) saw the news of the baby, followed shortly by the first scan, visits from our Australian family, a family house & practical car, and of course the arrival of our wee man.

The last year has been a whirlwind for us all. I was able to spend more time with the wee man after finally finishing my game. There was our road trip around Europe, our flight to Australia and our brief adventure in Cyprus. There were first words, first stands, first cruising and first steps.

Thanks to everyone's support and encouragement. Not least to the wee man himself. The source and inspiration for every single post.

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