Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Marquess of Anglesey's Column (Henry Paget)...

...He was famous for his part in the Battle of Waterloo.

According to Wikipaedia:
''One of the last cannon shots fired that day hit Paget in the right leg, necessitating its amputation.
According to anecdote, he was close to Wellington when his leg was hit, and exclaimed, "By God, sir, I've lost my leg!" — to which Wellington replied, "By God, sir, so you have!''
While Paget had an articulated artificial limb fitted, his amputated leg meanwhile had a somewhat macabre after-life as a tourist attraction in the village of Waterloo in Belgium to where it had been removed and interred''.


Snapped through the car window on the journey(s) home.
Too busy a day for photography really.
Hence the above.

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