Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Out ferreting

Day Two of the Walking Festival and I was organising the Geltsdale Bird Walk. We had a new ornithologist as our expert and he turned out to be very good. This was just as well because it rained for more than half of the day. The birds, unlike us, decided to take shelter while it rained.

After lunch the rain stopped and there was more light and more birds too. It was a good day out and I love the wild moors around Tindale Tarn.

Back at Haltwhistle we celebrated Maureen's 70th birthday in the Black Bull.

My blip is of a delightful young man who I talked too during the walk. He had alredy caught 5 rabbits with the aid of his ferret and spaniel. He had trained the dog himself. The ferret has a mate at home, but she is pregnant so not working at present. (I don't think the ferret really wanted to pose for the shot!)

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