Delph Wynd Daily

By delphwynd

twenty three

brussels sprouts

Advent Blip - Day 23

Honest... I just tipped the bag out and they all arranged themselves like this. A bit of Christmas Magic. ;-)

I fought my way through the snow this morning to collect some proper vegetables and other groceries from the local Farm Shop. Dead pleasant it was too; assistants cheery and helpful and full of stories of jack-knifing potato lorries. Nice.

Then Mrs. Delphwynd phoned and asked if I would swing by Morrison's and pick up a couple of items. Okay, I thought, all this snow would have kept a lot of the crowds away.


Should have picked up the subtle clue of there being no trollies outside the store when I arrived. The place was absolutely heaving with mad shoppers wheeling their trolleys of mass destruction with selfish abandon up and down and sideways through the aisles. If there was ever an argument for a trolley driving test and a aisle-way code then this experience was it. And as for the fights at the check-outs...

Apparently 'tis the season of goodwill EXCEPT when wielding a trolley full of groceries.

Anyway... Brussels Sprouts at Christmas. I like them. If they're over-cooked they give off a sulphurous odour and that's sometimes the reason people say they don't like them. If you've only ever eaten mushy brussels and given up on them, then try them again when they've been cooked properly.



Proximity to Christmas indicator backup: Watching It's a Wonderful Life with the family. Best Christmas Movie ever.


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