In My World

By JoanneInOz

Mono Monday ~ Lines.

It's the Mono Monday Challenge again, hosted by Ffredsmum, and the theme this week is Lines.

I'm really looking forward to seeing the interpretations that you all come up with for lines, as I had so many different ideas, (lines of knitting, music lines, the lines of keys on the piano....) and had settled on the lines of a busy road. But the weather had me re-thinking my subject!

Today, it is raining, and is predicted to rain on and off all day. And I don't really need to go out, other than to take a photo of lines. And I don't feel like getting wet! So I began looking for my lines around home.

Two pretty Topknot Pigeons were perched on my clothes-line, and when I squatted down and pointed the camera up, I could see many other lines, where my clothes are often hung out to dry on a day without rain.

I'm very happy with my photo today. Lines to me suggest an abstract image, which could produce a solid and hard photo, which I imagine my planned road lines photo would have been. My end result for today though is quite the opposite. The lines are there, but a softer version of what I expected to come up with.

Thank you, as always, Ffredsmum. I'm looking forward to hearing what the challenge for next week will be. :)

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