Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

This beautiful love

They have such a deep love for each other, mutual support for such different needs, endless giggles and shared jokes, today at our favourite summer haunt in Santa Monica, the Annenberg Community Beach House celebrating its 5th anniversary.

Today was a bit of a milestone. Callum had developed this fear of the water and literally didn't want to let me go in the water. Today we were back in the pool for a short while. I promised I wouldn't let him go and put him in the position to swim. And he started doing breast stroke again, dipping in and out of the water with each stroke as if in a dance, whilst my hands gave him the comfort from above and below. And gradually with each stroke, each width, I could gradually let go just a little more. Later he added, I felt that your hands weren't on me and I was ok with that. And a smile lay on his face. Was a nice moment.

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