out of the shadows

By MrsHart3

It's been a strange day.
For a week or so, since the doctor increased the dose of my tablets, I've felt almost "normal"
I use inverted commas because I'm not sure.
Today I found myself sliding down a slope again.
It's taken me most of the morning to just get out of the chair and into the shower,
even tho I knew I would feel so much better if I could just get under the steaming hot water and scrub all the panic away.
I have a sore throat, which makes it difficult to distinguish between what's physical and what's mental.
Luckily it's a day off today, so I have stayed indoors and done very little.
I hope tomorrow is better.

On the plus side, I have the cleanest hair known to man :)

My blip is some pussy willow in front of my frosted bathroom window.....I liked the distortion of the outside thru the glass

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