From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

I am almost stuck for words....

'Almost' stuck for words! I was totally shocked and quite overwhelmed by the response to my two year blip yesterday. Apart from anything else, it was a pretty ordinary blip in my usual rambling way and wasn't going wild in a birthday/blipday kind of style. To hit the spotlight for the first time ever really stunned me. It was such a lovely surprise. I suppose Sundays are good days to have a blip anniversary as with Sundays being taken up with a family special day and of course hangovers, I reckon there wasn't much competition for a space in the spotlight!

Seriously, I was and still am delighted and thrilled. Thank you all very, very much. I'm trying not to do an Oscar style acceptance speech here full of weeping and wailing. Believe me, with my snotty nose and pink eyes, I am not looking a pretty sight anyway so blubbering and honking like a seal would not be a good idea. Suffice it to say, I have made some wonderful friends here, several I see on a regular basis these days - I don't think my Scottish pals are all emigrating to escape! - and I look forward to trundling on for another while yet until I am hit by a bus/train/tram/herd of cows or steamroller.

Nothing much happened today. I didn't work and took the day off feeling rather unwell. My boss thought I was a man when I rang him and alarmingly so did mom! I have been checking the mirror regularly with a worried frown looking for the start of a beard or moustache... Joking apart, I am feeling much better and started to taste chocolate again when I had nearly eaten the lot earlier. I shall work from home tomorrow and hopefully go in on Wednesday to drop my work laptop off for upgrading.

The good news is that Lucky showed up earlier looking really well. He was with two other pigeons and he was definitely holding his own making sure no one got near the birdseed he was standing in! So yes, things are looking up in Lucky's world. Today's picture is of one of his friends who nearly lost his balance while staring at me watching him from the kitchen.

Go large!

Track? Here is one from Deep Purple in a great year (1970) - Child In Time

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