Do you wanna build a snowman

4years 188days

We had a fabulously active morning this morning - I ran and Katie cycled. Not that far, but far enough to feel like it was a good run. And she was such a wonderful partner. So encouraging and delighted with it all. We loved it. Our final destination was the swimming pool. Where, despite the speedy cycling, we swam for 90+ minutes. She practiced hard at her mushroom floats which she is having to learn to roll forward to start for tumbleturns. She was so thrilled when she got the hang of it! We also did some dolphin kicks, and those too improved. She did lots of lengths. At the end of one of them, she decided she was going to jump into the deep end. Normally, when she jumps into the main pool, its from the normal side which is level with the waters edge. Today she decided to jump from beside the starter's blocks, which is raised quite a way. It was the first time she jumped into the deepend, and she added that into it! She loved it and did it over and over.

After swimming, we went for some brunch in the cafe before she cycled home again. We bought some ice lollies on the way, along with a few bits. I got to the freezer to discover it had a serious ice issue, so scraped it out. Which left a large bowl of "snow". So Katie made a snowman - her only of the season. Predictably, he is called Olaf. And likes warm hugs. He now resides in our freezer. Which is small. Space is a premium. And its now holding a block of ice....

Sunday afternoon has become a bit of a movie time. Disney-fest usually. Today Katie watched Frozen. Twice. I'm waiting for her to get bored of it. Its just not happening.

NB - Olaf is sporting the latest in Snowman fashion. Pin eyes, milkbottle top hat, party mix arms, and mummy's ribbon basket scarf... his raisin buttons fell off repeatedly.

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