An Artist's Life

By MariB

Evening light...

Heading toward home, which is at the mouth of the canyon in the distance, the early evening light washes the mountainsides in the Mill Creek drainage. The snow still lingers above 7,000 feet and will for a long time to come. Evenings like soft and blue...make me think about the time now so long ago when I left to carve out a career as art director in film and TV in Phoenix, L.A. New York and San Francisco. That career was draining...working all hours, everything at a frantic pace with periods of crashing boredom with people who seem to be scrambling for their piece of the pie. I left after enough regrets. This place gives me gives me joy. It certainly inspires one to create. My sculptures came to life here. I left my heart in San Francisco, but my soul flourishes here.

"The mountains call me and I must go." -- John Muir

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