madwill's world

By madwill

Smelly Walk Today!

Early (well, 8 a.m.) walk today - and we went to the woods. Well, it must have been two weeks since we went last and the wild garlic has really begun to flower in abundance.

Almost a carpet of white in places. It was also very still - no wind to speak of - and slightly damp with a mist in the air. So the smell was almost overpowering - very intoxicating.

As there was no wind it meant that there was no sound from the nearby motorway and the birds were singing away and the little beck was babbling by. I saw a shoal (if 3 counts as a shoal!) of small fish darting around in one of the deeper parts.

We walked home back towards the motorway. Congratulations must go to the organiser of the large slow moving convoy heading north, because 8:30 on a Tuesday morning is the best time to arrange these movements. Miles and miles of slow moving traffic behind it. You could see the frustration of the drivers in the queue. Glad I wasn't in it.

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