
By LadyFindhorn

Christmas Eves

Frolicking in the snow scantily clad is not advisable unless you have a heart of stone!

Only one sleep left until Santa comes....... or not....... As fellow blippers will have gathered, there has been a 'no present' rule imposed by his Lordship and me on ourselves this year. Our anticipation of the big day is in seeing our visiting children open their presents from us and also phoning the absent ones.
We have relinquished our roles as Santa and have bequeathed them to the next generation. However sad that is, we know that our family traditions are alive and well with our children's families.

Today I was expecting to have an induction at the New Gym at Quartermile. It was meant to open at the beginning of November, but this has been put back to the end of December although the inductions were bookable this week. I walked in snow and darkness across the Meadows this morning at 7:15 am to be there at 7:30, only to find the place deserted. It seems that all the machines haven't arrived yet, and so I've had to reschedule my introduction to the machines to this Sunday.

This afternoon I've had my second glass of sweet white wine, ( nobody can say I overdo the drinking!) and am listening to the festival of Nine Lessons and Carols from King's College Chapel. My Christmas starts here.

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