
By LadyFindhorn

Christmas Day

Who would you imagine would be the better poker player - his Lordship or I? Well I think on reflection it is I. After all the injunctions about not given each other Christmas presents, I came down this morning to discover a small pile of gifts waiting for me from his Lordship and Santa. After opening them all, with him looking smuggly on, imagining that he had gained the moral high ground, I excused myself and brought in my presents to him. You could almost have seen his face fall. Round one to me, but it shows that we cannot believe each other's words. So there are definitely no tears this morning, but little trust in what we tell each other!

While we went out for a short sharp walk up Arthur's Seat, EcoDad left a bag containing jam and chutney at our door with a note saying that her Ladyship should have a present at Christmas. It was such a very caring thing of him to do that I feel a bit overwhelmed and guilty at the same time. Thank you so , so much Pete, that was such a kind thing to do to a possibly present-less old Lady.

The jaunt around Arthur's Seat has convinced me, if convincing was necessary, that an ascent of Everest is definitely out of the question. While his Lordship jumped from rock to snow covered rock with the agility of a mountain goat, I slipped and slithered my way from on high, sliding down on my backside for a large part of the way. No definitely, mountaineering in the snow is not for me!

It was lovely having the younger generation pop in afterwards to have some champagne and nibbles and watching them open their presents. That is what I enjoy the most.

As I begin to prepare our Christmas dinner I wish all my fellow blippers and their families

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