Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Ross: fluff and fairies....x

Its a miraculous sight. A field that has just turned into another chapter of itself. The field by the river, a week ago a sea of bright yellow flowers. Today, a shimmering mist of dandelion seed heads.

As far as the eye cam see, nothing buy a sea of fluff. The children run through with Eva. Its a temptation too far, like trying not to run on freshly lain snow. Its just one of those stunning sights. A picture on a canvas that you just have to add a part of your self too. As they run, fluff and fairies spray in the air.

I love the mention of fairies with dandelions heads. In fact its a strange combination since the word dandelions is taken from the french word, "dent de lion", meaning lions teeth and then you have the soft notion of fairies with the flying fluff.

Its a wonder how this plant changes so fast, like a spell cast on the whole field. Its over with a puff of wind. The magic alive for a moment. One puff, one breath, one breeze cast by the running of a small child...... they lift and the scenery changes again.

Moments are temporary. Flitting......x

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