.......sheer indulgence...........

At the end of a long day.......a chococino and a chocolate krispie finger..........I deserve it.......and it might help me sleep.

Wide awake at 5.20! Out of bed at 6.00! Breakfasted, ablutions performed and dressed by 7.00.

Into work before 8.00.

Three lessons......Nuclear Physics/Radio active decay............Sustainability of endangered species...........twice!........an hour downloading exam papers ready for our end of year exams........another lesson........Plant structures........a Faculty meeting........completing the end of year exams for lower school.............a Head of Faculty meeting.....information overload............a drive home surrounded by numpties.............to discover the washing machine has died..........a couple of hours work............dinner............

Yes I think I deserve my little treat.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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