Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

New Growth

Last week I turned down a major contract. It was hard to turn it down, but it would have meant assuming a potential liability that I am not ethically willing to assume. And this week, I am not working as one of my regular clients is having some financial struggles.

It is times like these when I wish I had a regular 8 to 5 job with a regular paycheck.

But it is times like these when I really enjoy the time off to read, study and think. It gives me time to write the papers that I have committed to do. And, thankfully, it has allowed me more time with Iggins and the girls.

Iggins is about the same as he was last week. He still has difficulty breathing sometimes and that makes him anxious. But he is on the maximum dosage of all of his medications. He is on a high dose of diuretic, which means that he "pees" frequently. So we have to watch him carefully - even when he is sleeping - and get him outside or he will have an accident. But, then there are times when he acts like nothing is wrong - he plays with the girls like he always has, eats everything in sight and chases all the birds from the yard in the morning. Today, he even decided to chase the neighbor's cat. He is still enjoying life and not suffering.

That's good enough for us for now.

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