Strange Light

As always this time of year, it takes a lot to stop me getting out for a break after work, and although the sun was playing hide and seek and their was a bit of a feeling of rain, it was warm and the air was fresh so I took a stroll around the moor.

The clouds were watery and started off shapeless, and I began to think that I'd just take a couple of photo's of dandelions and then enjoy the walk while the camera was in the bag.

But then the sky began to dance a little and let some light out which was fun, and as the evening drew on, the cloud seemed to thin enough to let the sun say goodnight, looking more like a red planet than the sun.

If you go large, you can tell how dim it was as you can actually see a couple of sun spots at the top left of the orb.

There's always something new to see if you keep your eyes open!

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