Cuteness Overdose

A very quick wander round Yeadon Tarn as the sun was making the light interesting - I wanted ducklings dammit and I found them!!!

Speedy beggars though! Only got one half decent shot of them and this is it :o)

I got this Canada Goose too. They're very friendly round the tarn. When I've met them in the wild they're noisy territorial honkers who make a huge fuss over nothing! I went camping by a remote tarn in the Dales a couple of years ago and they tried to keep me awake all night! Honking and swooping low over my tent... Thank the inventor of earplugs for a good nights sleep!

I like this Tree of Life idea by Blip. But it presents me with a dilemma as you can only have one blip parent and I have two! Sgwarnog and YearofHappy! I don't know what to do!

Sometimes you have to think.... What would Harry Hill do?

Thanks for the response to my mono effort yesterday. If it's of any interest I have the colour one here. Be honest. Which do you prefer? Should I stick to what I know and keep with the colour?

Got a bit caught up with journals today - hope to do a bit more tonight :o)

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