
By Nigel

Ride, Jenny Ride

Lots of typical last minute running around, including providing my passport etc. for the job in January and managing to fit in photography in the Botanic Gardens, they shut at 3pm instead of the advertised 4pm today so I had a whole 20mins to get some shots of the Heron up a tree, but it was better than the other day when they were just inexplicably shut. Unfortunately the batteries in the digital chose this moment to die so I only have film shots which will have to wait until boxing day when I get back to the darkroom.

Jen managed to be home by 5pm which was a good start and she got a snooze in before The Guvnor and Lulu came round for a few festive drinks and chat.

After they left we got straight on to opening presents, Jen has to start work at 6:30am on Boxing day so we're getting the celebrations out of the way tonight. For a house with one 41 year old man and a 34 year old woman there was a rather childish array of presents:

Tony Hawks Ride (pictured)
Guitar Hero Metallica
Guitar Hero World tour Drumkit
Citadeal Miniatures and paint
A Citadeal hobby Vice
Build Your Own Paper Cameras book
A number of Sci-fi and animated DVDs

jen also got a replacement gold chain for the rather too fine one that keeps breaking and I can't be bothered with getting it fixed all the time, and some Valentino perfume, which is what she wore for our wedding, so it wasn't all childish.

managed to fall of the skateboard repeatedly but we did manage 2 bottles of champers so there wasn't much else to be expected.

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