twinned with trumpton


Time Lapse

Grey day out; perfect excuse to lie in bed all day and work.

So I did! Apart from... Lunchtime I ventured out to Elm Row on a birthday present buying mission; successfully accomplished. The mission, not me.

And then continued working from home bed. Around 4, the boss phoned me, said the rozzers needed to speak to me. Job I'd done in January - turned out it was a guy who'd been arrested / charged for explosives making under Terrorism acts - made the news locally.

So the fuzz phoned, had half an hour on the phone; they're coming to take a statement at work tomorrow. Eeep!

Couldn't really work after that; drifted through to close of play.

Was supposed to be having supper there tonight, but her son was staying, so no dice. I set to with the hoover and did domestic stuff; chatted, cleaned.

Went up to retrieve my laptop around 9.30; as I crossed over 110th, St Giles looked resplendent against the gathering gloom...

Had an intense 5 minutes and came home; an hour after I got in, I was still in wet cycling gear, hadn't taken my jacket off. Totally dazed, still now can't remember a thing about the 4 miles home.

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