
By cowgirl

Little cutie!

I've had my eye on this little cutie all week and decided today was her day to be blipped, so took a few shots of her whilst Fossey had a good sniff about.

After our walk, I showered and got myself to my 10am appointment at the beauty parlour for a quick tidy up.

Made it to work by 10.30am. I don't usually work Fridays but as it's a Bank Holiday we needed to pick the orders for Monday and Tuesday as although the drivers deliver on Monday we don't work in the warehouse, apparently, so the boss asked if I could work today. Told him I would be there as soon after 10 as I could, forgoing the coffee I was going to have at Pickleberry ( next door to the beauty parlour ). I did pop in to say hello and tell Jan I couldn't stay for coffee because her husband had asked me to go into work!

We worked our little socks off to pick two days worth of orders in one day. Boy am I ready to get on that plane on Tuesday!

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