Not Cuba

Yes, I'm very sad to be home.

The flight went eerily quickly. I was sitting next to Dan and we both were in a semi asleep state for the majority of the flight. So much so that we missed the drink carts passing by. Which accounts for the next part of this tale...You see, I was unaware of how much time had passed when I looked out the window and saw this scene. I snapped a picture and thought "oh hey, that must be Cuba or the Panama canal or something exciting." Well, the first problem is we don't pass over the Panama canal. The second is that moments after I thought that there was a *ping* and the pilot said "We're now beginning our descent to Newark, New Jersey." Oh.

The bus ride back to gloomy Binghamton was wayyyy too long and wayyyyy too hot since the air was broken.

The only think I'm happy about is a nice warm long shower.

"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
-Lao Tzu

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