Easter Sunday

Our last day in Costa Rica. We sadly left Hacienda Barú. We made many stops along the road to our next destination. Walked around another cloud forest, a paramo, and a bog. Ate lunch at this really disgusting place that sold beautiful glass figurines.

Finally we got to our hotel near the airport. Kim, Dan, Yong-Ju and I stopped by an Easter mass. It was a really beautiful church. They paraded a Jesus statue through the town afterwards with a marching band following it.

We found a bakery and bought breakfast for tomorrow. Ate dinner at a Chinese food (tempting fate) restaurant and got really cheap ice cream for desert.

Really to be leaving Costa Rica. I honestly had the adventure of a lifetime. Saw things I could have never imagined, tried things I’ve never heard of, and made friends with the most truly wonderful group of people.

"Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going."
-Paul Theroux

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