The rest of forever...

By DrMac


We went open water swimming together today, Paul dug his wetsuit out the cupboard and found that mice had nibbled by his willy and created a big hole...eek, cue cold bits in the water! I collected my new wetsuit - how cool is it! - we headed for the water. After I got over the initial surprise of being unable to breathe I slowly got into my stroke and on lap five felt a little better. I'm going back tomorrow for more practicing!

After a shower at our gym, we wandered into Lincoln to do some jobs and shopping. Home for a late lunch and then phone calls to my mum and dad and the kids. A nice bike ride this afternoon, I walked the girls and now we are settling down to homemade Beef Wellington. It is Paul's classic dish and he cooks it amazingly well...can't wait for it to come out the oven!

This is him posing in his suit...dude! ;0) x

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