
This was a busy Saturday. Up early-ish to get to the monthly Portobello Market (hello again jellycat72!), errands around the high street, off to the Royal Mail depot to pick up a parcel and then into town for a May Day march and rally. After the rally, Tom and some chums went to leaflet about the European elections and we met up again to go to the Art Market at the Dalmeny Drill Hall.

There were a few interesting sights along the way but there was no question about the blip. Vince works at our local Royal Mail depot. He greeted me this morning at 11:15 when I arrived, about the same time I realised that they close at 11 am on a Saturday. Vince regularly stays open 15 minutes later for people like me. He stayed open today specifically because the office is closed on Monday.

I know it's easy and sometimes justified to moan about the universal services like Royal Mail and the NHS but I think we should acknowledge when public servants do more than is expected.

Thanks Vince!

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