
By ThereIsLove

Day 28: MC Hammer and Toad Suck Daze

Today could not have been more perfect. First off, my AMAZING husband took Preslee duties this morning and let me sleep in. In fact, I slept in until noon which is something I don't think I've ever done. Not even as a teen. So amazing. Then while Preslee took her nap we hung out on the patio to enjoy the beautiful weather. Once Preslee woke up it was Toad Suck time! This festival is the coolest ever. There's so much to do and junk food to eat. We had a blast. And to top it all off we got to see MC Hammer for free and he threw me a bunch of red roses!! If I was a big fan of his growing up id probably be freaking out right now but it is pretty cool. I might have to dry them and keep them forever :)

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