Bearsted Bowls Club

We have a village near Maidstone called Loose. They have a bowls club and a Womens Institute. Put the word Loose in front of each of those names and see what you get. The locals prefer to call it Loooose, rather than Loose as in "not tight"

I liked this shot only because of the gentleman who was looking at the camera, all the rest were intent on the game. The club have just had an artifical surface fitted which means they can bowl for more months of the year. Good on them I say.

We were out for a late afternoon stroll around Bearsted with friends after a late lunch and before a big dinner, so it was a bit of a respite from eating. Earlier we had walked into Maidstone to do a few things at the bank but more importantly have a quiet coffee before the friends arrived and the rush of entertaining commenced.

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