The hedgehog pips today's blip

At 11.30pm Susan was taking Doreen home when she called in to me to say that there was a hedgehog on the front garden. And sure enough there was and he (or she) posed long enough for me to get a couple of shots before he (she) shuffled off across the grass and into the undergrowth.

What a find and coupled with the bees last week, two very interesting blips. We've seen hedgehogs in the garden before and in the past I've inadvertantly picked one up, thinking it was our hedgehog door stopper that had been put outside!

So all the shots I had of the North Kent Coast, around Tankerton and Broadstairs were immediately relegated to might have beens, usurped by Mr (or Mrs) Hedgehog. We had a good day out with our friends. After a leisurely breakfast we moved to a leisurely coffee at Macknades in Faversham and then onto a picnic lunch in a seaside shelter in Tankerton. A stroll along the cliff top promenade took us to a bandstand where the Cranbrook Town Band were trying to entertain people against the background of thumping base from the fair next door. We ended our time in Broadstairs with an ice-cream from Morrelli's before the drive home to finish off the dinner.

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