Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Christmas Take 2

After having Christmas on the 12th. Today we celebrated Christmas Take 2. It was the first Christmas that my sister hasn't been home and whilst the day was very enjoyable, it wasn't quite the same.

For starters, we didn't get to see her lovely sleepy face as she came down the stairs first thing. There was no one to drink the left over tomato soup from the night before. Because of Blip, mum actually went out for a walk, in the snow, before presents! Because of Blip she also rolled around on her stomach in the hall trying to get a shot of a bird through the cat flap (unfortunately I was busy cooking Christmas dinner so didn't get a shot of this).

I've realised that old ladies are most popular at Christmas. Present giving went granny, someone else, granny, someone else, granny, someone else. The final present was for mum. I made a lovely card with a fractalius picture of my mum and dad at my sister's wedding, I stuck a flash drive inside with the fractalius plug in on. Yet she sat there, asking if my sister had fractalius and looking so disappointed that we'd given her a new flash drive. Eventually we had to tell her.

This is a photo of her out on our walk, which it seemed only right to edit with her new toy (which just happens to also be installed on my laptop).

The rest of the day was filled with good food, good drink and good company.

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