Road to Ruin

Thanks everybody for your coments and stars yesterday for my 500th. I was quite overwhelmed, especially when I received a message this morning to tell me that I had made the spotlight. First time ever!
Am quite tempted to delete a few old photos in order to pass the 500 again next week.

So, did say to Mme SwRo in passing, that maybe 500 was enough and I should retire gracefully......
I do really enjoy blippng everday and love the contact with everybody, and like certain other things in my life, it has become a little bit of an obsession, so think I might hang around here a little longer

Today was sunny but windy. Here is a view looking towards the Jura. I like the different colours.
A walk, a run up the hill and another walk and we are back to work tomorrow.

And here's a song to bop around the lounge to. from the album of the title above, tenuous maybe,

Hope you have a fun week and thanks for dropping by.

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