Dr. Lion

As it's a bank holiday weekend that can mean only one thing: today is the middle of the weekend! Yay!

Band practice this morning for a couple of hours - great to knock the rust off, get some new songs under the belt and even some guest vocals from Erin - the singer in our drummer's son's band.

Back to the house then over to Crail to see the parental units plus my sister who is over from Belfast for the long weekend. Shared some news, ate some lunch, a bit of oddness then back to the ranch.

Licence To Kill: Dalton is an underrated Bond I think, certainly preferable to the comedy routines of Moore in later years and introducing a darker edge to Bond and losing the comedy Bond girl names (Dr. Good Head springs to mind). Of course it all changed with Brosnan but hey ho. Enjoyable watching (at least what I saw of it between dinner, bed times, etc.)

+3/3 contemplating something very serious. Yes, we know it's a tiger. And a weight lifter. But to +3/3 it's Dr. Lion.

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