Alan Taylor

By alantaylor

Snow, Lots

Well this was unexpected. A safe journey was had back up the A9 from brother's house near Glasgow last night and just as well we did get home because we found ourselves snowed in this morning!

Of course I don't have a shovel or a spade so we headed out for a walk up to B&Q which is (usually) only a 15 minute walk away but oh my goodness pushing a pram through 10 inches of snow isn't easy, and the piles of snow at the edges of the roads that had been cleared made it tricky crossing the road. A few times we had to lift the pram off the pavement, over the snow and onto the road, cross the road, then lift the pram over the snow and onto the pavement...

Nipped into Tesco first (which is opposite B&Q, handily enough) and I stood outside watching in amusement as marshalls directed the parking customers around the car park which had been cleared(ish) of snow but was still fairly dodgy. During my short wait I also noticed the distinct advantage of 4 wheel drive vehicles in this sort of weather, as they made their way easily over the snow while the 2 wheel drivers spun out.

Anyway, across the road to B&Q and greeted by a sign informing us that they had sold out of snow shovels and sledges! Plenty of ordinary garden spades though so I grabbed one of them. Home we went and with the newfound ability to clear a path to the front door :-)

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