A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Sunday Brunch View

My Taxman and I went to brunch at The Mill Race Inn on the Fox River in Geneva, IL. The view was extraordinary, as was the quiche. We made a few stops on the way home and then tried out our new cross country skis again. This time the new heavier snow had packed down yesterday's powder and we got our ski legs back. It's been about 8 or 9 years since we skied. It was peaceful and absolutely gorgeous in the forest preserve. We saw three deer but I didn't want to take my gloves off to get the camera out of my bag. It was VERY cold (17F, -8C) and the fingers on my right hand were already hurting a bit. Odd that only the fingers on my right hand were cold, don't you think? The rest of me was warm after the first 10 minutes or so. It was incredible to be outside breathing fresh air. I'm a huge wimp and do not like to be outside normally, when the temps are this cold. I think I might have finally learned how to dress for it.

The past two days have felt like being on a retreat with my Taxman. We've had nothing to do, no responsibilities, and have managed to just relax into it. This might be the first time ever that we've managed to do this while being at home. I am grateful.

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