A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Working Boot

My Taxman uses his brain and his finger tips to work, usually. Computers...software...systems...data is his business. But when he's home, it's all about WORK and this time of year, it includes work boots.

I'm a barefoot gal. I don't like to wear shoes. I was born and raised in Southern California where the temps are mild and somewhat tropical, for the most part. Barefoot is my middle name. But not here, in the Midwest, where it is zero degrees Fahrenheit right now. Right now. I swear!

It's been another pretty slow day, and I am now wondering if I can get back into work mode tomorrow. My Taxman is off, on vacation this week, making it difficult to think about work. But soap must be made soon....and lip balm and body wash and shampoo. Ahhh...I think I might take another day off....this relaxing thing is getting comfortable. In fact, I think I'll throw away all my shoes tomorrow and go barefoot for a few days. On second thought, maybe tomorrow I'll blip my precious snow boots.

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