
James got a chemistry set for Christmas. Corin and James have been playing with it today! Hopefully, by the morning, there should be some crystals forming in this flask. We wait in anticipation.

Headache has finally gone - I think it is related to my back and my neck - so I have had the TENS machine on all day - back must be bad, because I have had the machine racked up to 13/15 in terms of intensity - that would normally have me doubled over or doing some sort of mutant dance through my muscles spasm-ing uncontrollably. But not today.

Started feeling a bit more human mid-afternoon, so what else was there to do except mark coursework. Managed another ten today. The rest of that class will get done tomorrow. Then its on to Year 10 on Tuesday and Year 11 by Thursday. Joy joy joy.

And to add insult to injury, I have the most humungous lump on my chin - I would call it a spot, but its more like a second head is starting to grow there - its been there fore about 4 weeks now, but in the last two days it has doubled in size and is showing no sign of relenting. Before anyone says anything - its not a squeezer either!!! Any ideas before I go to the Doctors and ask them to lance it!!!?!?!?!?

Thank you for all of your good wishes yesterday with regard the headache. I do appreciate that you are all so kind

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