Flowers by the wall

This is my attempt at an auricula theatre. I have several that I have collected over the years and hope to get a few more different coloured ones. I also need some more terracotta pots for the new ones I bought from Morrisons for £1.
I've just looked at the Abriachan Nursery website and they have an open day this weekend showing their Auricula Theatre. This Nursery is on the banks of Lochness, established in 1984. It was set up by the Donaldson family who move here from the Falklands so a lot of their inspiration comes from visits back to see family. The garden has now extended up to steep banks with fine views over Lochness.

The Auricula has been a popular plant from the seventeenth century and still is today ,with the rich and poor alike. They often appear in paintings and were often exhibited in Public Houses especially in the Midlands and the North of England with the working class where competitions of a variety of flowers would take place. A copper Kettle would often be the prize and the pub would frequently hang a copper kettle outside on show day.

Another job for the Summer is to paint the table !

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