Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Bee karaoke...?

She's holding on to her little microphone...
'A Taste of Honey' perhaps?
(I'm recalling the 'doo doo'n doo' line... WHO, in their right mind (sorry George) could read the lyrics of that and say,
'it's ok, I'll do the 'doo doo'n doos'; I won't feel silly or embarrassed at all'??)

Yesterday we were full of good intentions for the morrow.
We lined up various exciting Bank Holiday events.
Today, as we do most Bank Holidays, we put on our shabby clothes and went outside to 'just see what needs doing'...
'We'll go out later', we promised ourselves.

This afternoon, Himself is (still) in the garden, moving slabs. Bless.
Someone is going to ache tomorrow.
And having cleaned the Mundi Jalopy (an event performed almost as regularly as trimming the Christmas Tree, but with somewhat less zest) I have spent the past hour blipping :-)

Are we going out?

Are we bog roll (to quote Victoria Wood).

Some of us are going to have a long soak in the bath.
(Assuming we still have the power of perambulation).
Then we're going to have an easy supper.
(I say that as though mostly I cook 'difficult' suppers. Having, at my fingertips, almost every cookery book known to man I have an inner 'Easy Recipe Seeking Device', a bit like Superman but with potatoes not kryptonite, obviously).
'Life', they say, 'is too short to stuff a mushroom'.
Buuuut - as a Veggie, stuffed mushrooms are a rather worthwhile experience IMHO.
Later, we might even look at yesterdays crossword.
Bliss then :-)

Happy Birthday too, to the Earth Angel - you know who you are! Xxx

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