and I do not complain but photo-wise it has been a strange day, as it sometimes happens like that, unpredictably.
In the morning Piet Hein and I discussed if we would go to Meinbrexen for instance. Perhaps in the afternoon I suggested, the light for taking photos is too bright now.
I worked at the little terrace near the hut, I want to grow there a butterfly flower field, I already have the seeds, but first a lot to do before it is ready.
So I was tired at lunchtime and Piet Hein emerged in looking through old stuff, a confrontation of course, I myself know that, and to decide what can thrown away and what not, takes time and enegergy.
So we did not go anyplace.
A same bug as yesterday came flying upon the lilac and I stood amazed how this little creature wandered about, holding herself tight and not one moment resting.
I thought that is how I am too!!
Later after drinking tea I wandered away to a place where maybe butterflies would come upon a little field of flowers, but....there were no flowers any longer.
Then home again I spotted a Bombylius major, there comes my picture I thought but when I watched the scorpion fly, not just resting but making strange gymnastic movements I even liked more.

I mentioned yesterday that I had begun to read Steinbeck's novel Angel Pavement, I made a strange mistake. I had held in my hand a book written by Steinbeck, but had then had chosen Angel Pavement written by J.B. Priestley. Had to tell you of course.

My haiku:

Suddenly they all
Appear, hungry and restless,
Thousand small creatures

And the proverb:

Who spits against heaven (the wind), it falls in his/her face.

1557 in North, Diall of Princes.

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