
Tämä mies oli nukkumassa penkillä tänä aamuna. Tämä on mitä teen huomenna, koska minulla on vapaapäivää!

(I want to say: This man was sleeping on a bench this morning. This is what I'm doing tomorrow, since I have a day off!)

I couldn't resist taking a photo of this guy sleeping on a bench in Princes St. Gardens this morning. You fall asleep in a public place and this can happen to you! You may end up in a blip! :)

Although today it was busy at work, I had a better and less stressful day than yesterday. I'm feeling really tired though, it's been a long week. Can't wait to my day off tomorrow!!! :)

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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