At Ross: Lending an ear.....x

There are times when you need to get something said, and there isn't really anyone around to listen. Sam is very good at using our animals as sounding boards. He isn't particular as to who and which animal gets his thoughts for the day. Sometimes, I catch him leaning over Jack the horse's back in the field. It looks like the animals are happy to listen too. Jack doesn't walk away. Perhaps staying in the hope of a scratch or a carrot, but be stands quite still until Sam has finished. Sometimes watching as Sam saunters home, or perhaps Jack will walk off first.

On this occasion, Eva had been running with Sam through the grass. They like to get ahead on a walk. This comes from years of parental nagging to make sure they don't dawdle behind. They have clearly worked out the benefit of being ahead, in that you get to have a rest whilst everyone else catches up. By the time we caught up, Sam and Eva were in mid conversation. I have no idea what they talk about. I remember being this age and doing the same. I can recommend it to anyone. Talking to yourself can make you appear a little loopy, but to an animal makes it all ok........x

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