
Barrioboy became Busyboy today!

For Dd's scrutiny the record:

A four hour soft-sell pitch to a multi-national based out of Austria with a subsidiary with change management challenges in Brazil....fingers crossed!

Four loads of washing wrung and hung!

Four candles bought for the garden...

Fork handles broken doing the garden!

Elephant plants lobotomised!

Banana tree trimmed!

Rubbery plants bought to add splash of colour to newly weeded and raked earth (see shot above....spot the replanted daffodils, and excuse the scummy rear wall which was meant to be rendered and painted when we were away but our man's bad back put paid to that).

Full load of liquids from tonic and milk and orange juice through water and beer to cava bought in for guests arriving tomorrow.

Every one of the hairs on my head cut, as well as eyebrows trimmed...'What a difference!', said the hairdresser!

Compliment received from neighbour on my slimming face....note to self: must spend more time in Cairo with tummy bugs!

All exterior patio and balcony lights bought and replaced after extensive specification checking for best fit/consumption with the local 'ferretaria'/ironmonger....he follows us in blip so knew I had just come from Cairo...note to self: he's due a loyalty portrait!

And, condolences expressed to the son of the recently deceased President of our street who passed suddenly when we were away.

So, while Dd does the hard stuff in Cairo I try to keep the home fires burning as best as I can!

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